How long do I have to wait for a first meeting?  

Often I can see people the same week that they first contact me. I do not maintain a waiting-list.  If I can't see you within a month I will refer you to a colleague. 

Is there anything to do before the first meeting?

Yes. Please read and fill out the informed consent document and the intake questionnaire. They are available here: For couples therapy. For individual or family therapy.

When do you see clients?

Currently, I see clients Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.    

Do you prescribe medication? 

No. Only a medical doctor can prescribe medication in Quebec. A family doctor can prescribe most medications, but may sometimes ask for a patient to go see a psychiatrist (a medical doctor who specializes in psychological difficulties). I do discuss medication with clients. Medication for things like anxiety and depression is a very complex subject. I have seen people have great results from medication and I have also seen people take prescribed medication that harmed them. I do talk with clients about how to talk with a doctor about what’s troubling them, about medication, what factors are important to the client and how to evaluate what is important to you in making the decision to try medication, so that the decision is a little less mysterious and scary.


Do you see individuals?

Yes, I do see individual clients.

What ages do you see?

I don’t see children under 15 years of age. Other than that, I see all ages.

How long is a family or couple therapy session?

When I first meet with a family or couple I usually ask people to be available for an hour and a half. After one or sometimes two longer meetings we generally meet for 50 minutes. 

What is the cost? Do you offer a sliding scale?

The basic cost for individual therapy is 140$ and for couples or families it is 150$. (please note that there may be additional fees for some out-of-session services such as letter writing or court appearances. I will tell you if a service requires an additional fee). Because I want to ensure that therapy is affordable, I offer a sliding scale for people who find the regular onerous. It is based on your couple or family gross income and ranges from $60 to $140.  To determine the cost, please contact me. 

I need therapy and I cannot afford to pay. Can I get free therapy?

It would be great if I could offer therapy free of charge but I need to make a living so I can’t do that. Quebec's public insurance, RAMQ does not cover my services. If you need therapy and cannot pay anything, check with your local CLSC. Many CLSCs offer psychotherapy and/or family therapy, though wait-lists can be long. Young people often get priority so if you are under twenty-five you may get seen pretty quickly.

Will my private insurance pay for all or part of the session?  

I am a member of the Quebec Order of Social Workers and a psychotherapist licensed by the Order of Psychologists of Quebec, so you will need to check if your private insurance covers the services of a social worker-psychotherpist.  The amount covered will depend on your insurance.   

How do you ensure confidentiality?

I do my utmost to ensure client confidentiality.  As part of my responsibilities as a social worker-psychotherapist, I keep records of  sessions.  The records are maintained on site in a locked cabinet.  I keep the records for 5 years and then destroy them.  I will never give any identifying information about a client to anyone else for any reason with the following exceptions: if I am ordered to release information by a court; if I have reason to believe that a person is a danger to themselves or others; for supervision purposes I discuss clients with a senior clinician who is also bound by confidentiality. 

What if I can’t come to my appointment or if I need to cancel?

Please contact me at least 24 hours in advance if you will not be able to attend a session.  If you call less than 24 hours in advance I will charge you for the missed session missed sessions prevent other people from being seen.   

How often will we meet?

Generally, we will meet once per week though it may vary depending on circumstances.    

The problem is really my spouse/child/sibling/parent.  Why do I have to come to the sessions? 

People, even difficult people -- especially difficult people! -- need the help and support of those around them to make change.  Relationships involve at least two people, and in couple or family therapy, we work on strengthening relationships.    

What are your qualifications and training?

I have a Master's Degree in Social Work from Columbia University.  I am a member of the Quebec order of Social Workers as well as a licensed psychotherapist.  I completed the post-graduate program in Couple and Family Therapy at the  Jewish General Hospital's Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry.